Over 100 players on Friday, 9 November, stormed the Ikoyi Club 1938 as the second Rainoil Tennis Championship serves off with the qualifying series on Saturday.

Nigerian Tennis Live gathered that over 60 players will battle for two days to earn their places in the main draw scheduled to commence on Monday.

ITF Bronze-badge referee, Saidu Musa, who heads the technical team, hinted that more players will sign in by the weekend when almost all the players would have arrived.

The courts at the Ikoyi Club 1930 are ready for tennis action as the Rainoil Tennis Open serves off in Lagos.
He said: “This is one of the tournaments that the players always look ahead to because of the quality of the facilities at the venue. The officials are ready and we expect a great tournament.”

The tournament which started as a master tournament four years ago with top eight players in the men and women category has metamorphosed to one of the biggest on the domestic stage with champions in the men and women’s  singles pocketing N500, 000 and 400, 000 respectively.

It would also feature women’s doubles which was not included last year when it was held at the Lagos Country Club, Ikeja – a clay facility.

According to the Group Managing Director of Rainoil, Mr Gabriel Ogbechie, the tournament is expected to feature more top quality players hence the need to make it open.

Ogbechie, an ardent tennis follower, hinted that Rainoil is very passionate about tennis hence their support which has hit over a decade.

“The previous format of Tennis Masters was restrictive. It was meant for only the top eight male and top eight female players on the Nigeria Tennis Federation ranking.

“But since last year we decided to open it up. This year we are expecting the top 64 male players as well as the top 32 female players on the NTF ranking to take part in it,” the Rainoil boss stated.

Henry Atseye and Sarah Adegoke are the men and women’s title holders.
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